1. [section][/section]
– bgcolor: hex, rgb or rgba value
– width: minimal (wrapped to 1120px) | fullwidth (fullscreen, no wrapper) | (wrapped to 1680px by default)

2. [services-grid][/services-grid]
– columns: 6 | (4 by default)

3. [team-gird][/team-gird]

4. [brands-grid][/brands-grid]

5. [video-overlay][/video-overlay]

6. [current-year]

[section width=“minimal“] Your content here will be wrapped to minimal width [/section]
[services-grid columns=“6″] Your bullet list here [/services-grid]
[section width=“fullwidth“ bgcolor=“rgba(25,25,25,.5)“] Your content will be on dark gray semitransparent background and it won’t be wrapped. [/section]